Level 1

Step A. Catching and Haltering
Step B. Leading-through gates and backing
Step C. Grooming before and after exercise

Step D. Tacking and untacking
Step E. Riding with helper at walk and or trot
Learn to properly to clean stalls

Level 2

Step A. Must complete all of the above steps
Step B. Riding by ones self
Step C. Round Pen and lounging exercises
Step D. Balancing on horse drills
Learn to care for tack and equipment

Level 3

Step A. All of the above
Step B. Cantering
Step C. Learn to guide horse in a pattern
Step D. Demonstrate control of horse inside and outside of arena
Learn parts of the horse, evaluation and health care needs.

Level 4

Step A. All of the above
Step B. Trail riding
Step C. Handling difficult situations on horseback
Step D. Negotiating trail obstacles-water, logs, etc